
Tagged With 'Vegetarian'

November 15, 2013

Enchilada Sauce

It’s a miracle!  A recipe that isn’t a baked good or a pancake or in some other way floury and sweet.  I’m not normally big on spicy food, but cold weather is spicy food weather, right?  Soup and spicy are my wintertime jams. You know what else is my jam?  Mexican food.  I’ve been kicking […]

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November 13, 2013

Pumpkin Cream Cheese Braid

We’re entering the season where I stop making “real” food and do nothing but bake for two months.  That might sound like an exaggeration, but it’s pretty much not.  If it’s cold outside, I want something warm, fluffy and comforting – the only exception might be spicy food, how can THAT not make you warm! […]

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November 11, 2013

Apple Butter Pancakes

I am T minus 5 days from my Florida/Caribbean cruise vacation, and let me tell you I need it.  In addition to the broken garage door fiasco from the other week, I also have crazy water damage in my bathroom.  I’ve mostly been taking that as a cue to not shower for as long as […]

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November 8, 2013

Whole Wheat Apple Braid

Ever go through your freezer and discover things you didn’t know you had?  That’s me.  Almost everyday.  I make so many baked goods and dough that I’m constantly wrapping it up and throwing it in the freezer thinking I’ll eat it later.  Later, I find my treasure trove and am either pleasantly surprised that dinner […]

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November 6, 2013

Vegetarian Taco Pizza

If I smell tacos, I want tacos.  If you mention tacos, I want tacos.  Tacos. Tacos. Tacos?  The same thing goes for pizza.  This is a terrible, terrible problem when you’re at work and people are always doing things like eating lunch.  A week or two ago, the beautiful smells of tacos and pizza were […]

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November 4, 2013

Apple Butter Grilled Cheese

When does apple season end?  I hope it’s like December because I have a million more apple recipes to share.  Specifically, a million more apple butter recipes to share.  Luckily, apple butter keeps for a long time, so be sure to make a batch and eat a couple hundred apple butter grilled cheeses this winter. […]

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