
Tagged With 'Vegan'

January 21, 2015

Smokey Hummus – Recipe Redux

First up – don’t forget to enter the giveaways for a copy of Dairy Made Easy and a $40 gift card for Evolution Fresh juices (redeemable at Starbucks and a bunch of other places). I’m excited to give two people a reason to smile because I’ve had a rough couple of days on top of […]

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I know a lot of people go into the new year looking for ways to eat healthier and get more veggies in their diet, but that’s a way I like to live all year long (Ehhh, well. I try!). I was stoked when Evolution Fresh contacted me about their Three Days to Green Movement — […]

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January 7, 2015

Mashed Blueberry Panini with Peanut Butter and Nutella

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council. I received a stipend to facilitate my purchase for my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation. Do you make New Year’s resolutions each year? Normally I don’t because I don’t think […]

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January 5, 2015

Most Popular Posts 2014

If you’re like me and take basically all of your vacation time at the end of the year, today’s going to be a pretty rough day.  After 3+ weeks off work, I needed to wake up before sunrise and actually blow dry my hair.  Plus, my kitties can’t come to work with me and I’ve gotten […]

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Honey Mocha

You know what the worst part about taking a trip is? Coming home to a sad, empty fridge and pantry. Especially right before Christmas, when my grocery store is PACKED. Luckily, before I left Udi’s sent me a HUGE package of goodies that I immediately stuck in my freezer. [Sadly, not many of the GF […]

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Loaded Veggie Soup

I had one of those “surprise! You’re busy” weekends. I had planned on a nice low-key weekend when I’d take a long bath, start packing for my trip, and load up on veggies before the terrible that lies ahead of me. Instead I rushed around to Josh’s family Christmas, a birthday party, cleaning the house, […]

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