
Tagged With 'Vegan'

September 11, 2013

S’mores Pancakes (Vegan and Whole Grain)

There must be something about getting older that makes each year seem shorter than the last.  I remember in elementary school that I felt like each year lasted longer than I could wrap my mind around, but now I hardly know what month it is.  This might be, in part, because I just realized my […]

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Triple Berry Muffins

My eating habits tend to be pretty predictable, especially for breakfast.  Once I find something that’s easy and delicious, it will be my go to for weeks – especially if it’s something I can quickly grab and run out the door on weekdays.  All rules fly out the window on weekends, because I love making […]

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September 4, 2013

Raspberry Chia Seed Pancakes

There are things in life you think will never let you down and when they do, it’s so much more disappointing.  Unfortunately, this is me with any sort of technology 99% of the time.  You get something brand new and shiny and think “We’ll be BFFs until I’m sick of you and choose to replace […]

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August 30, 2013

Whole Wheat Olive Rolls

Because my long rant overshadowed the delicious s’mores pastries on Wednesday, I’m going to keep this post pretty short.  I don’t know why, but I’ve been obsessed with olives lately.  Putting them on a salad, mixing them into a salsa, or just eating them right out of the jar.  I want `em in my life.  […]

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August 28, 2013

Homemade S’mores Pastries (Pop Tart Copy Cat)

Does anyone have some tips on dealing with anger?  When I get angry, I feel it fill my body and I have no healthy way to let it out, so excuse me while I vent for way longer than necessary just a minute.  I went to a Thai restaurant and ordered a vegetarian dish with […]

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August 26, 2013

Parsnip Fries

Have you ever noticed that it’s easier to get someone to try a new vegetable if it’s deep fried? Or that someone only likes zucchini or mushrooms if they’re breaded and fried?  Deep fry anything and it’s delicious, but it’s also guaranteed to give me heartburn and I will definitely regret that decision for a […]

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