
Tagged With 'Vegan'

October 25, 2013

Pumpkin Spice Latte Oatmeal (Slow Cooker)

Third slow cooker oatmeal recipe in a row! We did it guys. We made it through a week of my eating nothing but oatmeal.  Just kidding.  But seriously, I’ve eaten a lot of oatmeal lately.  This happens when it gets cold out.  I want a hot breakfast but I want to sleep in and do […]

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October 21, 2013

Mocha Slow Cooker Oats

If you don’t count my sweetpotato quesadilla, this will be my first Recipe Redux  challenge.  This month, t he challenge was a non-casserole dish made in a slow cooker.  If you scroll through my archives, you’ll see that I don’t really use a slow cooker very often, despite loving the convenience more than anything. Normally, […]

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October 18, 2013

Apple Butter (large or small batch)

A couple of weeks ago, my mom dropped off 3 half bushels of apples.  Incase you are unfamiliar with how many apples that is, I’ve used 20 pounds of peeled and cored apples and haven’t used a whole half bushel yet.  These apples were fresh from the trees in their backyard and I’m not one […]

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October 16, 2013

Naturally Sweetened Pumpkin Butter

If this is the first pumpkin butter recipe you’ve seen this year, then bloggers are doing fall wrong.  There should be apples and pumpkins as far as the eye can see (and I promise I’m bringing you an apple butter recipe ASAP).  If you’ve already seen a million recipes, the main difference with mine is […]

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Sweet Potato and Golden Beet Hash

As fall gets into full swing with chilly mornings, I find myself staying in bed later and waking up wanting warm, comforting food.  In fact, I accidentally slept in until almost 11 am on Saturday, after going to bed at a pretty decent time on Friday.  Blaming the weather.  I’m definitely not just super lazy […]

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October 11, 2013

Tortellini Zucchini Soup

Confession: When I make soup, I sing that shots song, replacing shots with soup.  So. Basically, I run around the kitchen yelling Soup! Soup! Soup soup soup soup!  Why am I telling you this? I don’t know. Soup makes me happy. When I’m feeling sick or sad, I turn to soup.  Happy yet? Eat more […]

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