
Tagged With 'Vegan'

December 21, 2013

Healthy Cornbread – The Recipe Redux

This month, I was challenge by The Recipe Redux to make a lucky food.  The idea that food can be lucky and that people specifically make lucky foods to start their new year was completely foreign to me, but I could definitely use some luck in my life.  I’ve had an all around challenging year […]

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Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies + Review

What the what?  This was supposed to post on November 20th and for some reason didn’t.  (Thanks WordPress, for never alerting me to this fact?)  After my vacation, I was too busy playing catchup to notice.  It’s now a month late , so I feel extra bad about never posting a review after the people […]

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Chocolate Chip Cookie Croutons #Sponsored

Despite the fact that I haven’t finished raking the leaves in my yard, we have a solid layer of snow on top.  The only thing that keeps me moving forward is that as the weather gets colder, the beverages get hotter.  I’ve always been a sucker for hot chocolate, tea, coffee, anything warm and delightful, […]

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Vegan Cheesy Rice and Broccoli Casserole

What do you look forward to when you get back from a vacation?  Is flying home on your birthday only to discover that you have to throw away everything in your fridge and freezer?  Because that’s what I got. There were some bad storms in Michigan while I was gone and the power was out for several days. […]

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November 22, 2013

Gingerbread Spice Scones

I couldn’t very well share a gingerbread spice mix and not show you a billion ways to use it, now could I?  When I was drinking/spilling the gingerbread latte that inspired the mix recipe, I was also eating an incredibly disappointing scone.  Scones are my jam, people, I can’t just ignore them when they sit […]

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November 18, 2013

Vegetable Enchilada Casserole

Oh hi there!  Guesssss where I am?  I’m on a boat!! *cue music* Okay, actually, it’s a ship.  And they get REALLY upset when you wear a shirt that says “I’m on a boat” according to 2010 Kelly.  Maybe not upset, but I’m pretty sure every staff member I passed felt the need to touch […]

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