
Tagged With 'Vegan'

January 29, 2014

Healthier Chocolate Malt Cupcakes

Last call to enter my 1 year blog-iversary giveaway!  Ends Thursday, January 30th at 11:59 pm. While we’re talking about happy things: cupcakes.  I had a chocolate malt cake for my dad’s or my sister’s birthday in 2010 or 2011.  I thought about it almost every day until Josh’s birthday, 2012 when I made a […]

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January 24, 2014

Sweet Mustard Pretzels

Shameless plug for my 1 year blog-iversary giveaway!  Go enter.  Win stuff. Not sure why, but I’ve been extra snacky lately.  Sometimes it’s sweet snacks, sometimes it’s salty snacks, but it’s always crunchy.  And preferably something I can eat by the handful without feeling too bad about it.  So… piles of cookies are out of […]

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January 22, 2014

1 Year Blog Anniversary Giveaway!

Today’s a very exciting day for me — my 1 year blog-iversary!  I never guessed a year ago how much fun I would have with this little blog and how many fantastic other bloggers I would meet along the way.  More important to me than my blog-iversary, my 14th veg-iversary is on January 30th.  Yup. […]

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January 21, 2014

Buffalo Veggie Pizza

You know when you start thinking about someone you haven’t spoken to in months and then suddenly they call you?  That’s how I felt for this month’s Recipe Redux.  I had just finished eating this pizza when I finally got around to checking the theme — pizza!  It was a sign that I should share […]

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January 17, 2014

Fajita Tater Tot Casserole

Mark it in your calendars – Josh gets an “I told you so”.  Ever since I met him in 2008, he has been going on and on about something called tater tot casserole.  The idea of something that is just ground beef, condensed cheese soup, and potatoes sends shivers up my spine.  Tater tots are definitely […]

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January 15, 2014

Tempeh Cashew Curry “Chicken” Salad

First, I want to apologize. I originally made this “chicken” salad back in August and have made it many times since then. The reason it hasn’t made an appearance yet is because I immediately inhale it before Josh can take pictures. Honestly, probably before I even assembled a decent looking sandwich. At least half goes […]

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