First, I took an embarrassing amount of time to get this post up. While I was in Seattle (yes, that was in April) I took a tour of the Field Roast factory and I have to say it was a lot of fun. The pictures aren’t going to show just how cool it was, because […]
I get suckered into a lot of things I consider challenges — juice cleanses, GF/dairy/bread free weeks, free trials of diets — you know, normal health decisions that people regularly make. I consider them challenges to be conquered. And normally, I love them. The one thing I never, ever, ever enjoy? Gross, nasty, chunky drinks […]
I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Kenwood Vineyards. I received product samples and a promotional item to thank me for my participation. This is the time of the year when everyone (hopefully!) relaxes a little bit with a tasty plate of food and gives thanks for what they have. […]