Hope everyone had a long, fantastic weekend. Mine was a little bit of a mixed bag — lots of fun, but I broke my freaking YOGA 3. I’ve never before cracked a screen on any electronic device (knock on wood that I don’t break anything else now!!), including when I accidentally threw my old Dell […]
I’m a little late to the party, but I recently started watching the latest season of American Horror Story. It’s great and I love it, if it weren’t for the fact that I started watching this right before Josh was out of town overnight for a bachelor party. While I’m not normally afraid of clowns, […]
Revisiting one of my old favorites today! I used to make this allll the time, then stopped and I’m not sure why. I made it again recently and thought that I should really update my old terrible photos (I’ll leave them in at the bottom for embarrassment/kicks). Sadly, the new photos are only marginally better […]
I go back and forth with Josh almost every week about how he needs to contribute to the meal plan, and every week he claims he has no idea what kinds of foods can be made vegetarian. Let’s ignore the fact that there’s a meat substitute for almost literally every kind of meat in the […]
If I haven’t mentioned it enough, I’m on vacation. Today I’m hanging around Diagon Alley with my boy Harry Potter and tomorrow I get on a cruise to the Bahamas. I’ll be sure to send some sunshine your way and drink an extra mojito for you. Today I have Marcie from Flavor the moments here […]
I know. I know. I sound crazy? I sound crazy. This is actually something I’ve been making for years. Is that weird? It’s not weird. It’s delicious. It was actually inspired by flipping through a cookbook and seeing a picture of something and thinking it sloppy joe lasagna. When I got to the actual recipe, […]