Probably more of a surprise to see a post today than not, right? I didn’t mean to surprise take 1 month off from blogging, but apparently that’s what I did. With a shift in focus at work combined with some home renovations that have left me sleeping in the living room, I’ve just had a […]
Pathetic confession: I never got a garden planted this year. I prepped the area, fertilized, made a plan of what I wanted to grow… and then nothing. I had a busy first month-ish of summer and by the time it was A. not pouring on the weekend and B. I actually had the day free, […]
Summer seems to just be slipping away — I feel like it used to last forever when I was younger, and now I’m lucky to have maybe 2 of my favorite summer outings a year. Let’s not even talk about all of the adventures I’ve never even had yet (tubing lazily down a river? Yup, […]
Hope everyone had a long, fantastic weekend. Mine was a little bit of a mixed bag — lots of fun, but I broke my freaking YOGA 3. I’ve never before cracked a screen on any electronic device (knock on wood that I don’t break anything else now!!), including when I accidentally threw my old Dell […]
A couple of weeks ago we were hosting a game night and I put Josh in charge of snacks. He ran to the “fancy” party store and came back with some cheeses, a dip, crackers, and cookie chips (<– yes, those are as good as they sound). I don’t know if this says more about […]
We had a string of potlucks in my work group last week (TWO! In one week!) which made me look long and hard at my recipes for ones that could stand up at a potluck. To me, it’s important that a recipe be delicious, be easily reheated (or good at room temp/crock pot), and cover […]