The first day of autumn isn’t for a few weeks, but if Starbucks is selling their pumpkin spice lattes, than I declare it to be fall. Also, the enormous pile of apples in my kitchen declares it to be fall. The last few years I’ve been just swimming in apples from my parents’ trees and […]
Normally this is the time of year when I start winding down. True, everyone is busy with prepping for holidays, but all of my studies at work begin to wrap up, yard work comes to a standstill thanks to the eminent snow, and the cold air just makes everything slow. This year? Total opposite. My entire year […]
My breakfasts vary with the seasons. In the winter, I like to eat hot oatmeal. In the spring, a piece or two of fruit. Summer, definitely cold cereal or overnight oats. But fall? Fall is the season of the muffin. Or pancakes, if I have time for pancakes. But muffins are basically pancakes in cup […]