Cabbage soup is not something that I ever expected to crave. I remember making big batches of it in high school and eating it because it was crazy low in calories (Weight Watchers zero point soup, if you’re familiar), not because it was crazy delicious. In fact, I pretty much hated cabbage and everything to […]
aka my lunch this week. I”m so lazy, that I almost titled my post that. There’s not much to say about this, maybe because right now my mouth is full of marked down grocery store paczkis, but that’s besides the point. I’m on this never ending quest to eat more vegetables (and fruit, but this […]
Ugh, Mondays, right? I’m never ready for them. In fact, I spend all day Sunday dreading Monday morning. I love sleeping in and being lazy for just a little while. When you’re lazy like me, a slow cooker is your best friend every day of the week but especially on Mondays. I normally use mine to make breakfast […]