My computer said it’s going to restart in 15 minutes, and I’m taking that as a challenge to hammer out this post in record speed. Feel free to mock any terrible grammar/spelling/crazy word talk. My day has been so crammed full of stuff, that I’m sitting down for basically the first time since getting home (writing this […]
As everyone gets super into football, I mostly get upset at the idea that a game might run long and cut off one of my favorite shows. Or that people will be talking about it in the hallway and look at me with disdain because I can’t add anything to the conversation (and that I actually […]
With the exception of biscuits and gravy, I don’t remember loving gravy as much when I was a meat-eating-child as I do now. My answer to everything is pretty much just “smother it in gravy” and I’m honestly okay with that. I more or less blame the Everyday Mushroom Gravy from Everyday Happy Herbivore for triggering this […]
If it hasn’t been obvious, I have a bit of an obsession with barbeque sauce. And part of that obsession includes looking for various vehicles to transport barbeque sauce into my mouth, because it’s apparently not socially acceptable to just spoon it into my mouth like people do with Nutella or peanut butter. For some […]
Today’s guest post comes from Shelley and Gretchen at Two Healthy Kitchens. These two ladies are definitely women after my own heart. Their blog is loaded with tips on eating healthier and encouraging kids (and adults!) to eat vegetables in delicious and fun ways. Somehow, I’ve managed to never make hummus (I just inhale the store […]
Hey everyone! I had to last minute take a little trip (ohh nooo, surprise vacation? the worst ;-)) and I’m super happy to have Abbie here filling in for me! If you haven’t met Abbie, she’s the teenage delicious food genius over at Needs Salt. Abbie is a total sweetheart and I’m completely jealous that […]