I received free samples of Libby’s new Vegetable Pouches mentioned in this post. By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by Libby’s and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time. My mom had always made some really strange, creative, delicious things by […]
I know. I know. I sound crazy? I sound crazy. This is actually something I’ve been making for years. Is that weird? It’s not weird. It’s delicious. It was actually inspired by flipping through a cookbook and seeing a picture of something and thinking it sloppy joe lasagna. When I got to the actual recipe, […]
Truth time: I love Manwich. Are you all full of judgment over that? You shouldn’t be, it’s delicious. Buuuuuut, let’s not talk about how the second ingredient is sugar. And the 4th. And the 6th. True, there is added sugar in my homemade version. True, there’s even two kinds of sugar. But they’re a bit more […]
So, the best part about cookies is cookie dough, right? <– If we can’t agree on that, we’re probably not friends. In fact, even when I for some reason decide to bake the dough into actual cookies, I barely heat the dough enough for the edges to be crispy and the inside raw. That’s why […]
Are bonfires a summer thing or a fall thing? I always picture bright sunny days followed by a bonfire, but it never really gets cool enough in the summer to enjoy sitting by a fire. We had what I was tempted to call the “last bonfire of the summer” on Friday, but it was also […]
Best part about our trip to Oklahoma a couple weeks ago? Truffled pizza. Is that okay to say? Not like Josh’s family or anything. The pizza. For sure. And given the response I got on Instagram when I posted it, you all were totally interested, too. Josh and I are truffle obsessed. I drizzle truffle […]