*If you are hesitant to visit another site, this recipe is now also on my blog, here* Happy Friday! Today I have a guest post over at Clean Eating Veggie Girl. It’s a vegan and gluten free take on a casserole that used to pop up at every family gathering when I was younger. Go […]
If you were wondering why I had Josh making pita chips earlier in this week, this is why! You probably thought I was going to make hummus, but that really scares me. If you know a super easy, delicious recipe for hummus then send it my way and maybe I’ll try it. But this time, […]
Hello, vegetables! I’ve missed you so much. I know I very recently mixed you into some muffins, but I feel like I can never get enough of you. Oh. So. It’s weird to write a love note to food that isn’t peanut butter or Nutella? Okay. Nevermind. Thanks to one of my coworkers, I’ve been […]
Desperately seeking hairdresser. I’ve lived in my current town for three years and am yet to find any sort of cosmetologist I like. If you add that to the four years I spent in university, you’ll soon realize that my hair has been a hot mess for the last 7 years. I had a friend […]
Challenging myself and Josh with a gluten free week has been pretty amazing. I haven’t had any revolutionary health improvements, but I knew I wouldn’t because I’ve had gluten sensitivity tests, including a pretty conclusive stomach biopsy. The major benefit of gluten free week is it’s forcing me to cross off a bunch of foods […]
Friday! Friday! Friday! I don’t know about anyone else, but I am just so drained lately. I really miss being in school and getting the whole summer off and a solid two weeks++ for Christmas and New Years. I keep day dreaming about a billion different vacations I want to take at the end of […]