It’s no secret that I’m in love with barbeque sauce. I’ll stuff it in a quesadilla, flavor my enchiladas, or make a shredded veggie sandwich. No shame in my B-B-Q sauce game (sorry for that, so sorry). It’s probably also not a secret that I’m incredibly lazy and hate going to the grocery store. Anyone […]
If you’re anything like me, every time you make chili, you just sort of wing it. Sometimes it comes out great and sometimes it’s just okay. I’m posting this recipe more for me than for anyone else, because this chili was perfect for me: full of veggies, just enough chili powder, and incredible leftovers. I […]
Help the environment and eat delicious foods this holiday season by making a meatless dish with foods packed in eco-friendly Tetra Paks.
What the what? This was supposed to post on November 20th and for some reason didn’t. (Thanks WordPress, for never alerting me to this fact?) After my vacation, I was too busy playing catchup to notice. It’s now a month late , so I feel extra bad about never posting a review after the people […]
When we were on vacation, all I wanted the whole time was Mexican food. On the cruise ship I couldn’t really demand whatever kind of food I wanted, and I wasn’t about to search out a Mexican restaurant in Jamaica, but I had a little control in Florida. I asked everyone who looked like they […]
What do you look forward to when you get back from a vacation? Is flying home on your birthday only to discover that you have to throw away everything in your fridge and freezer? Because that’s what I got. There were some bad storms in Michigan while I was gone and the power was out for several days. […]