If you pressed your ear against the window’s of my house hoping to see what Josh and I fight about, (well, for starts you need a new hobby, my friend) you’d be pretty bored with what you heard. 99% of the time, what we fight about is food. I spend a ridiculous amount of time […]
If you regularly read my blog and pay a medium amount of attention, you’ve probably noticed that I don’t eat eggs very often. It’s not that I won’t eat eggs, but just that the idea of eggs can really creep me out. They’re one of those foods that I’ll eat when I specifically want them […]
Someone mentioned last week that mangoes are now in season, which instantly made me want a huge pile of mango salsa. I dreamt about mangoes for days until I finally made it to the grocery store — only to find out that they didn’t get the memo on the whole “mango season” thing. Definitely slim […]
When it comes to the Dorito-filled taco salad you find at picnics and family reunions, there are two types of people: Thousand island people and French dressing people. If you saw my previous post (or just read the title of the recipe) then you know what kind of person I am. Thousand island people — I […]
Everyone has a snack they gravitate towards, right? Aside from the obvious fact that I love food in general, I love snacks that are pre-portioned and can hang out in my purse or desk until hunger strikes. Normally these are bags of pretzels, granola bars, maybe an apple — pretty standard stuff. So when I […]
Woah, what happened to last week? Apparently I dropped off the face of the Earth after Monday, oopsies. I don’t even have a good excuse. I have a tall stack of recipes ready-to-share, but I just couldn’t find the time to sit down and post. Call it busy, call it lazy, you might be right […]