Yeah, I know. Tacos, enchiladas, and now burritos. I’m a simple lady, with simple Mexican-related cravings. Actually, these potatoes were a bribe. I can’t remember exactly what I wanted from Josh, but I promised Ranch burritos in return. I was originally going to make a Ranch “chicken” TVP similar to my favorite TVP taco meat, […]
Wow, I must really like enchiladas. While they normally can’t hold a candle to my favorite (tacos), they’re pretty much on the top of my list. Right now, the irony is that I’m SO sick of Mexican food. At my sister’s graduation party, we had literally 10 gallons of queso, and because we had 9 […]
By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by The Mushroom Council and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time. If you swung by for my thousand island dressing on Wednesday, you should know that I’m in love with Reubens. When I’m in […]
When I’m an at Indian restaurant, it seems like eeeeeveryone is ordering chicken tikka masala or grabbing it off of a buffet. I’ve had the sauce with veggies and with paneer, and I have to say it’s totally crave-worthy. So I made up a batch of the sauce, smothered broccoli with it, and shared it […]
Sometimes (more frequently lately) I go totally MIA for a week straight. While I would love to say I surprise took a vacation to Hawaii or won the lottery and was busy counting my millions — in reality, it’s because we’re painting a bathroom. Though it really doesn’t take that long to paint, we had […]
It’s crazy the far reaches of reality TV competitions. I live in pretty much the middle-of-nowhere Michigan in a relatively small town, so I was ridiculously excited when Food Court Wars came to town. Did I go to any of the events? No. In fact, I didn’t even watch the episode until several months after it […]