This has been the longest week. Ever. You know how a short week can make the following week feel insanely long? Well, I’ve had several short weeks in a row (really not complaining about that part!) followed by a full week last week. This was technically another short week because I have every other Friday […]
Woah, that’s a long recipe title. I wish I was a little better at naming recipes, because I feel like I need to add every single descriptor I have in my arsenal. You’re lucky I don’t have super-fudgy, crazy tasty, best gluten free brownies ever in the title. I’ve had a busy weekend. And busy […]
I am in a delicious food groove. When I made Sloppy Joe Pockets on Tuesday (Recipe coming soon, I promise), Josh and I agreed they were a 10/10, so I prepared myself to be disappointed for the rest of the week. Nothing was going to beat that, so why bother? Then, BAM. BBQ sauce all up […]
Everyone has that one food that makes them feel like a kid again, right? And by one, I mean like 80 foods, obviously. Regardless, cheesy potatoes are definitely one of those foods for me. My grandma would always make them for Easter, but they often made appearances for Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays, and pretty much any […]
Oh woah, hi there. I feel like once a week, I start a post with apologizing for how flaky I am. I was in a good MWF swing for a while, and suddenly I’m just so busy lazy. Honestly, it’s mostly Big Brother related. Anyone else watching Big Brother? I’m obsesssssed. In fact, I’m watching After Dark right […]
For me and that mushroom eggs benedict I had in Chicago, it was love at first bite. I went to bed on Friday night dreaming about it, thinking I would wake up early on Saturday (False) to venture out, obviously showering before I left (False), find a scrumptious plate of eggs benedict (False), and swing by the farmer’s […]