I was sent a copy of Let Them Eat Kale out of the goodness of Julia’s heart. I was under no obligation to review or host a giveaway — but aren’t you glad I am? All opinions, as always, are my own. You know how you try really hard to eat good-for-you foods all week? And […]
I really need to get back on that not-eating-everything-in-sight plan. It was my dad’s 50th birthday on Sunday, so we had a whole weekend of celebrations. A big party on Saturday (with so much food. so. so much food. and then cake. and ice cream. and delicious caramelly cracker things. I die) and then a […]
Some people say summer isn’t soup weather. To those naysayers, I say, “More soup for me”. It can be 100 degrees outside, and I still love sitting down with a bowl of hot soup. Granted, I’m going to sit inside with the AC on, but I’ll look out at the hot sunny day and think […]
Guys (let’s be real: ladies), I’m really into snacks. Extra crisp apple slices, crunchy celery sticks, a handful of almonds — something with a satisfying texture and lots of flavor. You might not agree that celery has a lot of flavor, but I actually love it. Celery and lettuce are actually two of my favorite crunchy foods, […]
I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Millennial Central for Evolution Fresh. I received coupons for Evolution Fresh juices to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation. After a particularly indulgent trip or just when we want to reset our eating habits, Josh and I […]
Is anyone else ready for the weekend? Oh… we just had one? I could use another. I spent all day Sunday shopping for a bridesmaid dress, which was fun but exhausting. Plus traveling home through inclement weather (with a pit stop to check on my sister’s bunny during the storm while they’re out of town) = […]