This month’s Recipe Redux theme was Spring Cleaning and, as my mother will insist, I’m not always the best at cleaning. I always have extra cans of this or that plus a freezer and fridge full of fruits and veggies that really should’ve been given a home (in my belly) sooner. One of my favorite […]
Gaze upon the magical goodness that is chocolate-banana milk. Actually, it’s really chocolate hazelnut banana milk, but that’s just details. Delicious details. Which leads me to the double good news about this drink. First off, it’s incredibly delicious. Somewhere between milk and a milkshake in thickness with a punch of banana flavor + chocolate. Creamy, […]
Can anyone resist soft pretzels? I used to love grabbing a hot buttery pretzel at the mall or eating a dozen at my sister’s in-law’s after a pretzel making party (what, you guys don’t have those?). Well, I used to. The pretzel place in my mall closed and was replaced with froyo, which is just […]
Chipppieeesss and dippppieesss. Two of my most favorite things. It’s weird to explain, but chip dip has always seemed so luxurious to me. Store bought onion dip has gelatin and the kind you make with soup mix usually has some kind of beef stock (and maybe gelatin, too), so it was a rarity when I […]
Fun fact: I have at least 8 different songs I sing about pancakes on a regular basis. But really, anyone who knows me shouldn’t be surprised. I sing almost everything I do. Feeding my cats? There’s a 100 songs for that. Driving over a bridge? There’s a song for that. Sad? No! Quirky and adorable? […]
I’ve been in a dinner funk lately. I don’t want to clean the kitchen. I don’t want to chop any veggies or even go to the grocery store to buy them. I just want an extra delicious dinner waiting for me when I get home. Asking too much? Apparently the only thing I have actually […]