Two things I everyone loves: pancakes for breakfast and sleeping in. If it wasn’t for the fact I’d have to get out of bed earlier, I would have pancakes for breakfast erreday. Instead, we have pancakes for dinner more often than I should probably admit. Nothing wrong with a simple, easy meal, right? By some […]
Have I mentioned my food truck idea? (No takesies!) It’s called Sun Daze and sells sundaes every day but Sunday. It stems pretty strongly from the fact that I want to put EVERYTHING on my sundaes. When I was in college and lived in the dorms, there would be hand dipped ice cream every couple […]
I can’t be the only one constantly battling with herself to get more greens in her diet, right? I LOVE romaine lettuce, but it really takes a lot of thought and follow through to get other greens in my shopping cart. There’s nothing wrong with the average leafy green or any green, for that matter, […]
I’m a little late to the party, but I recently started watching the latest season of American Horror Story. It’s great and I love it, if it weren’t for the fact that I started watching this right before Josh was out of town overnight for a bachelor party. While I’m not normally afraid of clowns, […]
Revisiting one of my old favorites today! I used to make this allll the time, then stopped and I’m not sure why. I made it again recently and thought that I should really update my old terrible photos (I’ll leave them in at the bottom for embarrassment/kicks). Sadly, the new photos are only marginally better […]
You know I love me some nondairy milk, but they usually make some pretty pathetic lattes. I like extra, extra foam and it just has to have good flavor. Sweetened almond milk tastes amazing in lattes, but just doesn’t get the foam factor right. And you can trust that fact because Josh and I have […]