Desperately seeking hairdresser. I’ve lived in my current town for three years and am yet to find any sort of cosmetologist I like. If you add that to the four years I spent in university, you’ll soon realize that my hair has been a hot mess for the last 7 years. I had a friend […]
Friday! Friday! Friday! I don’t know about anyone else, but I am just so drained lately. I really miss being in school and getting the whole summer off and a solid two weeks++ for Christmas and New Years. I keep day dreaming about a billion different vacations I want to take at the end of […]
True story, I have no idea what a real meatball tastes like. I’m not certain I’ve ever eaten a real meatball even before quitting meat at age 11. All I know is meatless meatballs are where it’s at. These have been a staple at family gatherings my entire life. Granted, the family recipe is fried and doesn’t […]
Wow, what a busy weekend. My sister was in from Seattle for a wedding shower, so I’ve been visiting with family and eating everything in sight. I have had pizza THREE times this weekend. Three! If you follow me on Twitter, then you might’ve noticed that I went to a Tigers game in Detroit this weekend. Josh had […]
If you haven’t entered the Udi’s Gluten Free giveaway, go do it noowwwww. Whether you’re gluten free or not, they have some great stuff worth trying out. Today’s recipe is something I’ve actually been making for years. I haven’t always added the veggies on top, but I love the texture it adds and who doesn’t […]
Thanks for everyone’s kind words over the last week or so. I’m feeling great, Josh is doing well, and Chester is just about to his normal self. A secondary problem when I don’t feel well is that I start to spiral into some pretty bad eating. Because cold water made my tooth feel SO much better, […]