If you were wondering why I had Josh making pita chips earlier in this week, this is why! You probably thought I was going to make hummus, but that really scares me. If you know a super easy, delicious recipe for hummus then send it my way and maybe I’ll try it. But this time, […]
Hey, this is Josh. I don’t normally do much of the cooking, or at least anything creative as that’s certainly Kelly’s forté. But every once in a while there’s something that I’ve done before that she hasn’t, or that for whatever reason I’m a little better at preparing (like grilled cheese or any kind of […]
The blog’s been a little baked goods heavy lately. I’d say I’m sorry about that… but really I’m not. I love baking and I love eating baked goodies. Maybe I wish I loved them a little less, but nope. Yum, yum, yum. I’ve probably very pretentiously mentioned a few dozen times that I like making […]
Hello, vegetables! I’ve missed you so much. I know I very recently mixed you into some muffins, but I feel like I can never get enough of you. Oh. So. It’s weird to write a love note to food that isn’t peanut butter or Nutella? Okay. Nevermind. Thanks to one of my coworkers, I’ve been […]
Hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was full of delicious, delicious foods that were not the least bit good for me. Sorry for how long this post is about to be, but I loved everything I ate so I wanted to highlight my super favorites. Please excuse the photos and the ridiculousness of my […]
(Sorry for the quality of the photos this week. We were experimenting with things and it clearly didn’t work!) I am beyond excited for the weekend! Technically, it’s already my weekend (squeee!) but I’m excited for Saturday. I’m headed over to Grand Rapids where there just happens to be amazing breweries and a couple vegan […]