If you’re anything like me, every time you make chili, you just sort of wing it. Sometimes it comes out great and sometimes it’s just okay. I’m posting this recipe more for me than for anyone else, because this chili was perfect for me: full of veggies, just enough chili powder, and incredible leftovers. I […]
Despite the fact that I haven’t finished raking the leaves in my yard, we have a solid layer of snow on top. The only thing that keeps me moving forward is that as the weather gets colder, the beverages get hotter. I’ve always been a sucker for hot chocolate, tea, coffee, anything warm and delightful, […]
What do you look forward to when you get back from a vacation? Is flying home on your birthday only to discover that you have to throw away everything in your fridge and freezer? Because that’s what I got. There were some bad storms in Michigan while I was gone and the power was out for several days. […]
I couldn’t very well share a gingerbread spice mix and not show you a billion ways to use it, now could I? When I was drinking/spilling the gingerbread latte that inspired the mix recipe, I was also eating an incredibly disappointing scone. Scones are my jam, people, I can’t just ignore them when they sit […]
We’re entering the season where I stop making “real” food and do nothing but bake for two months. That might sound like an exaggeration, but it’s pretty much not. If it’s cold outside, I want something warm, fluffy and comforting – the only exception might be spicy food, how can THAT not make you warm! […]
I am T minus 5 days from my Florida/Caribbean cruise vacation, and let me tell you I need it. In addition to the broken garage door fiasco from the other week, I also have crazy water damage in my bathroom. I’ve mostly been taking that as a cue to not shower for as long as […]