With the construction going on with my bathroom and boxes all over the house, I have been in need of some major comfort food. My mom has oh so lovingly pointed out that I’m not the one doing the physical labor, so why all the stress? When you’re putting so much money into something and […]
True story: this is both the first time I’ve made and the first time I’ve eaten monkey bread. When I was really young, my mom told me it was monkey brain bread. We had just watched Indiana Jones and so I had a pretty vivid image in my head that has stuck with me for […]
Apologies in advance for a short post. I’m feeling pretty not stellar and in desperate need of a nap. I’m writing this post on Thursday night, but I’m assuming by the time anyone reads this, I’ll have emailed the winner of my 1 year blog-iversary giveaway! So congrats whoever that is, I’ll probably put their […]
Last call to enter my 1 year blog-iversary giveaway! Ends Thursday, January 30th at 11:59 pm. While we’re talking about happy things: cupcakes. I had a chocolate malt cake for my dad’s or my sister’s birthday in 2010 or 2011. I thought about it almost every day until Josh’s birthday, 2012 when I made a […]
Ugh, Mondays, right? I’m never ready for them. In fact, I spend all day Sunday dreading Monday morning. I love sleeping in and being lazy for just a little while. When you’re lazy like me, a slow cooker is your best friend every day of the week but especially on Mondays. I normally use mine to make breakfast […]
Shameless plug for my 1 year blog-iversary giveaway! Go enter. Win stuff. Not sure why, but I’ve been extra snacky lately. Sometimes it’s sweet snacks, sometimes it’s salty snacks, but it’s always crunchy. And preferably something I can eat by the handful without feeling too bad about it. So… piles of cookies are out of […]