My little sister moves into college this weekend. Being the amazing, ambitious older sister I am, I had the great idea to write her an e-book full of healthy, delicious foods she could make in a microwave (or other appliances you can have in a dorm). And then, in order to fully show off the […]
Hey everyone! I had to last minute take a little trip (ohh nooo, surprise vacation? the worst ;-)) and I’m super happy to have Abbie here filling in for me! If you haven’t met Abbie, she’s the teenage delicious food genius over at Needs Salt. Abbie is a total sweetheart and I’m completely jealous that […]
Some people say summer isn’t soup weather. To those naysayers, I say, “More soup for me”. It can be 100 degrees outside, and I still love sitting down with a bowl of hot soup. Granted, I’m going to sit inside with the AC on, but I’ll look out at the hot sunny day and think […]
Guys (let’s be real: ladies), I’m really into snacks. Extra crisp apple slices, crunchy celery sticks, a handful of almonds — something with a satisfying texture and lots of flavor. You might not agree that celery has a lot of flavor, but I actually love it. Celery and lettuce are actually two of my favorite crunchy foods, […]
Is anyone else ready for the weekend? Oh… we just had one? I could use another. I spent all day Sunday shopping for a bridesmaid dress, which was fun but exhausting. Plus traveling home through inclement weather (with a pit stop to check on my sister’s bunny during the storm while they’re out of town) = […]
This has been the longest week. Ever. You know how a short week can make the following week feel insanely long? Well, I’ve had several short weeks in a row (really not complaining about that part!) followed by a full week last week. This was technically another short week because I have every other Friday […]