By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by siggi’s yogurt and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time. I received free product for the purposes of recipe development. This is oddly embarrassing, but I have no idea when I’m supposed to drink […]
Wednesday October 21st, 8:23 pm. Just saw the largest spider ever observed in recorded history. Because we have a catch-and-release policy for spiders — the spiders don’t know they’re trespassing, right? — Josh just spent a solid 15 minutes trying to wrangle it into a cup. And by cup, I mean takeout container from the Thai restaurant […]
This month’s Recipe Redux prompt was about getting back to the dinner table. Coming back from vacation, getting back into a routine, and sitting down to eat a healthy dinner together. After a vacation (especially one with many indulgent treats) there is nothing I want more than to eat a huge salad. Well, after a […]
One of the main complaints people have about soy (tofu, tempeh, etc.) is that it’s always trying to be something it’s not. That’s a complaint I hear about vegetarians a lot, too — why try and make something taste/feel like meat when it’s not meat? To me, it makes sense. You would season chicken or […]
Summer seems to just be slipping away — I feel like it used to last forever when I was younger, and now I’m lucky to have maybe 2 of my favorite summer outings a year. Let’s not even talk about all of the adventures I’ve never even had yet (tubing lazily down a river? Yup, […]
I’ve had the strongest craving for zucchini lately – I’ve fried it, thrown it in soup, sauteed it, just can’t get enough of it. I couldn’t find any at the grocery store on my last trip, so I was beyond stoked when we popped into a bulk store and I get 4 HUGE ones for […]