I think we can all agree that I’m no one’s epitome of normal. For starts, I fell out of a parked car (sober) a solid week ago and no one was even surprised. I sing songs about my cats. I regularly wear fossil necklaces and even have a shirt with gold glittery dinosaur fossils on […]
I’m sure I’ve mentioned before that there are very few things Josh and I fight about. Mostly because I’m always right 😉 Not surprising, the few times we fight, it’s always about food. Usually, it’s in the realm of “Kelly, we should eat more cheese/Ranch dressing or the merits of crumbly vs cakey cornbread. Lately, the new hot button item […]
I had a conversation with my coworker on Monday about how he used to work at a pizza place. His entire day consisted of making pizza, talking about pizza, and eating pizza until he decided to take a job as our co-op (and later to graduate and get a fulltime job in my building). He basically […]
Recipe 2 from the nonexistent “Best Sister in the World” e-cookbook. In case I haven’t yelled about it constantly: if I had to pick one favorite food, it’d be pancakes. So naturally, the idea of living in a dorm room, pancakeless, is the most terrifying thought in the world. I spent a long time Googling […]
My little sister moves into college this weekend. Being the amazing, ambitious older sister I am, I had the great idea to write her an e-book full of healthy, delicious foods she could make in a microwave (or other appliances you can have in a dorm). And then, in order to fully show off the […]
Today’s guest post comes from Shelley and Gretchen at Two Healthy Kitchens. These two ladies are definitely women after my own heart. Their blog is loaded with tips on eating healthier and encouraging kids (and adults!) to eat vegetables in delicious and fun ways. Somehow, I’ve managed to never make hummus (I just inhale the store […]