Probably more of a surprise to see a post today than not, right? I didn’t mean to surprise take 1 month off from blogging, but apparently that’s what I did. With a shift in focus at work combined with some home renovations that have left me sleeping in the living room, I’ve just had a […]
One of the main complaints people have about soy (tofu, tempeh, etc.) is that it’s always trying to be something it’s not. That’s a complaint I hear about vegetarians a lot, too — why try and make something taste/feel like meat when it’s not meat? To me, it makes sense. You would season chicken or […]
Summer seems to just be slipping away — I feel like it used to last forever when I was younger, and now I’m lucky to have maybe 2 of my favorite summer outings a year. Let’s not even talk about all of the adventures I’ve never even had yet (tubing lazily down a river? Yup, […]
Somehow, I managed to keep posting while on vacation, but totally let it slip once I’m back, whooops! I always seem to come back from a trip extra exhausted and needing a vacation from my vacation. I can’t imagine I’m the only one, right? Our fridge is pretty empty and our cupboards are close to […]
Day late on this post — major blog meltdown. If you tried to find any recipes the last day or two, you might’ve noticed my blog was just a blank white screen. No errors, no “oopsies this page isn’t here”, just a straight up white page. That’s also what we saw when I tried to […]
Head on over to The Speckled Palate and check out my guest post for Erin while she’s enjoying time with her new baby uhhh actually just anxiously waiting for lady baby to arrive (last I heard). You know what makes time fly faster? Fries. And tahini. Congrats, Erin! Psssst. Check out the guest post Erin […]