Hope everyone had a long, fantastic weekend. Mine was a little bit of a mixed bag — lots of fun, but I broke my freaking YOGA 3. I’ve never before cracked a screen on any electronic device (knock on wood that I don’t break anything else now!!), including when I accidentally threw my old Dell […]
Please excuse me while I fight off making terrible turnip puns. Something about foods with fun names turns me into a terrrrible person to be around in the kitchen. If I ever made a dish that contained asparagus, beets, and turnips, I think Josh would just storm out of the house and come back after […]
Anyone else suffer from crippling laziness? We went away for a handful of days at the beginning of the month and used that as an excuse to not go to the grocery store beforehand — it’ll all just go bad, right? And then the excuses started afterward. We really couldn’t go the next day because […]
Head on over to The Speckled Palate and check out my guest post for Erin while she’s enjoying time with her new baby uhhh actually just anxiously waiting for lady baby to arrive (last I heard). You know what makes time fly faster? Fries. And tahini. Congrats, Erin! Psssst. Check out the guest post Erin […]
Long days. Long week. Can I get a TGIF? There’s something about snowy, cold days that make days drag on for me. And I feel like bring out the worst in people. I’ve had more unpleasant interactions with people in the last few days than I care to recount — can we all just gather […]
Check out the cheese in those photos and get excited for this Skillet Eggplant Parm, conveniently gluten free because today’s guest poster doesn’t eat the glutens. I’ve sung blogged about my love for Julia from The Roasted Root before, but now she’s here in live action filling in for me while I’m on my 5th […]