Josh and I eat a ridiculous amount of Ranch dressing. Like, a scary amount. Almost as much Ranch as barbeque sauce, but let’s get real, I’d basically have to drink the stuff to consume more Ranch than barbeque sauce. Our brand of choice isn’t exactly the healthiest choice, but it just tastes so good. None […]
The first day of autumn isn’t for a few weeks, but if Starbucks is selling their pumpkin spice lattes, than I declare it to be fall. Also, the enormous pile of apples in my kitchen declares it to be fall. The last few years I’ve been just swimming in apples from my parents’ trees and […]
This month’s Recipe Redux prompt was about getting back to the dinner table. Coming back from vacation, getting back into a routine, and sitting down to eat a healthy dinner together. After a vacation (especially one with many indulgent treats) there is nothing I want more than to eat a huge salad. Well, after a […]
Pathetic confession: I never got a garden planted this year. I prepped the area, fertilized, made a plan of what I wanted to grow… and then nothing. I had a busy first month-ish of summer and by the time it was A. not pouring on the weekend and B. I actually had the day free, […]
As I was thinking about making this sauce, actually making this sauce, eating this sauce, and writing about this sauce I had this bizarre fear that the food police would be on me about it. You know the type, right? The people who no matter what you say, do, or make find something wrong with […]
One of the main complaints people have about soy (tofu, tempeh, etc.) is that it’s always trying to be something it’s not. That’s a complaint I hear about vegetarians a lot, too — why try and make something taste/feel like meat when it’s not meat? To me, it makes sense. You would season chicken or […]