I’ve been in a dinner funk lately. I don’t want to clean the kitchen. I don’t want to chop any veggies or even go to the grocery store to buy them. I just want an extra delicious dinner waiting for me when I get home. Asking too much? Apparently the only thing I have actually […]
aka my lunch this week. I”m so lazy, that I almost titled my post that. There’s not much to say about this, maybe because right now my mouth is full of marked down grocery store paczkis, but that’s besides the point. I’m on this never ending quest to eat more vegetables (and fruit, but this […]
I go back and forth with Josh almost every week about how he needs to contribute to the meal plan, and every week he claims he has no idea what kinds of foods can be made vegetarian. Let’s ignore the fact that there’s a meat substitute for almost literally every kind of meat in the […]
Long days. Long week. Can I get a TGIF? There’s something about snowy, cold days that make days drag on for me. And I feel like bring out the worst in people. I’ve had more unpleasant interactions with people in the last few days than I care to recount — can we all just gather […]
A couple of weeks ago, I was approached about reviewing a kosher cookbook. I had to pass because many of the recipes contained meat and I didn’t think I could do a good review only sampling a select few. The publisher instead asked if I’d like to review their kosher cookbook focusing on dairy — […]
I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council. I received a stipend to facilitate my purchase for my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation. Do you make New Year’s resolutions each year? Normally I don’t because I don’t think […]