What the what? This was supposed to post on November 20th and for some reason didn’t. (Thanks WordPress, for never alerting me to this fact?) After my vacation, I was too busy playing catchup to notice. It’s now a month late , so I feel extra bad about never posting a review after the people […]
Apparently I decided Wednesday was a Kelly holiday and took the day off from posting. Oopsies! While I normally post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I really feel no obligation to keep to a schedule — especially with all of the holiday obligations this time of year. Anyone else like that? Am I just a […]
Despite the fact that I haven’t finished raking the leaves in my yard, we have a solid layer of snow on top. The only thing that keeps me moving forward is that as the weather gets colder, the beverages get hotter. I’ve always been a sucker for hot chocolate, tea, coffee, anything warm and delightful, […]
I couldn’t very well share a gingerbread spice mix and not show you a billion ways to use it, now could I? When I was drinking/spilling the gingerbread latte that inspired the mix recipe, I was also eating an incredibly disappointing scone. Scones are my jam, people, I can’t just ignore them when they sit […]
We’re entering the season where I stop making “real” food and do nothing but bake for two months. That might sound like an exaggeration, but it’s pretty much not. If it’s cold outside, I want something warm, fluffy and comforting – the only exception might be spicy food, how can THAT not make you warm! […]
I am T minus 5 days from my Florida/Caribbean cruise vacation, and let me tell you I need it. In addition to the broken garage door fiasco from the other week, I also have crazy water damage in my bathroom. I’ve mostly been taking that as a cue to not shower for as long as […]