Somehow, I managed to keep posting while on vacation, but totally let it slip once I’m back, whooops! I always seem to come back from a trip extra exhausted and needing a vacation from my vacation. I can’t imagine I’m the only one, right? Our fridge is pretty empty and our cupboards are close to […]
Day late on this post — major blog meltdown. If you tried to find any recipes the last day or two, you might’ve noticed my blog was just a blank white screen. No errors, no “oopsies this page isn’t here”, just a straight up white page. That’s also what we saw when I tried to […]
Fun fact: I have at least 8 different songs I sing about pancakes on a regular basis. But really, anyone who knows me shouldn’t be surprised. I sing almost everything I do. Feeding my cats? There’s a 100 songs for that. Driving over a bridge? There’s a song for that. Sad? No! Quirky and adorable? […]
These pancakes are a moment I look back on with great regret. I’m in the midst of a great banana kick. Like a 2 bananas a day habit that I just can’t shake. When I made these last Saturday morning, I only had 1 banana left. My choices were A. slices it up and put […]
I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council. I received a stipend to facilitate my purchase for my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation. Do you make New Year’s resolutions each year? Normally I don’t because I don’t think […]
You know what the worst part about taking a trip is? Coming home to a sad, empty fridge and pantry. Especially right before Christmas, when my grocery store is PACKED. Luckily, before I left Udi’s sent me a HUGE package of goodies that I immediately stuck in my freezer. [Sadly, not many of the GF […]