Ever love a new dish you make it three times in two weeks? Not even to recipe test, because it was perfect from the get go. That’s this guy right here. I kept saying I was making it to take photos but would immediately eat them all without taking any photos. The first time I […]
True story: this is both the first time I’ve made and the first time I’ve eaten monkey bread. When I was really young, my mom told me it was monkey brain bread. We had just watched Indiana Jones and so I had a pretty vivid image in my head that has stuck with me for […]
This month, I was challenge by The Recipe Redux to make a lucky food. The idea that food can be lucky and that people specifically make lucky foods to start their new year was completely foreign to me, but I could definitely use some luck in my life. I’ve had an all around challenging year […]
We’re entering the season where I stop making “real” food and do nothing but bake for two months. That might sound like an exaggeration, but it’s pretty much not. If it’s cold outside, I want something warm, fluffy and comforting – the only exception might be spicy food, how can THAT not make you warm! […]
Ever go through your freezer and discover things you didn’t know you had? That’s me. Almost everyday. I make so many baked goods and dough that I’m constantly wrapping it up and throwing it in the freezer thinking I’ll eat it later. Later, I find my treasure trove and am either pleasantly surprised that dinner […]
After going on and on about my love of cheese on Monday, I immediately turned around and made a vegan bread to have for breakfast. All about balance, right? I feel like I’ve waited the appropriate amount of time to break out the pumpkin recipes, but I’ll be honest with you: I use pumpkin year […]