I hope everyone had a safe long weekend, especially now that we’re coming into summer. My weekend was extra long and extra happy – mostly because when I got home from work on Thursday I had a package waiting for me! Getting something other than bills in the mail is incredibly exciting. Getting a box […]
Hey guys. Kelly has been working on some new recipes, and is eager to post some, but I wanted to take this opportunity to talk you guys (since I’m usually pretty much just behind the scenes). I’m constantly flattered by seeing the compliments people give about our photography, and I wanted to personally thank you […]
Sorry I’ve been a little less present the last few days. I’ve been sick with the norovirus-death-plague and have only gotten out of bed long enough to go to the doctor. I’ll spare you the details, but I didn’t get to eat anything all day Monday and only tackled half a banana and some saltines […]