I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Kenwood Vineyards. I received product samples and a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
This is the time of the year when everyone (hopefully!) relaxes a little bit with a tasty plate of food and gives thanks for what they have. I have a herd of gorgeous kitties, a good job, my health, and great friends and family. And plenty of wine to share! While you could argue that I’d never turn down a free bottle of wine (ehhh, I might! But it hasn’t happened yet), I was intrigued and excited about sharing a few bottles of Kenwood Vineyards‘ wine with some friends this season. Not only because this turned out to be some pretty tasty wine (we actually couldn’t all agree on a favorite! I’d say it’s the Cabernet), but also because I love what Kenwood Vineyards is doing.
First, the grapes are sourced from farms using sustainable practices, including using natural soil amendments and pest controls whenever possible. If that’s a quality I look for in my food, you know I love to see that in my wine, too. Secondly, Kenwood Vineyards is committed to ending hunger and is doing its part with a donation to WhyHunger — a leader in the movement to end hunger and poverty by connecting people to nutritious, affordable food. While I was fortunate enough to grow up in a really nice area with plenty of food on the table, I volunteered at an elementary school during college where many of the students had their only meal of the day at school; there was no food for them at home. As eye opening as this was for me, this was their everyday and the everyday for so many more people. But it shouldn’t be, which is why I encourage you to check out the donation page and give a little something to help end hunger.
I took the wine delivery as a sign that I should host a gathering with my friends. I served spinach dip with veggies, a selection of cheeses (trufffffffle gouda!), cookie dough eggrolls (I know. I need to do just a couple tweaks, but I’ll try to post ASAP!), and olive tapenade puffs. Simple snacks and tasty wine to bring everyone together. It was a relaxing, fun time and a great way to spend a chilly, snowy evening. Josh and I will probably grab another bottle or two for when we celebrate Thanksgiving. Our tradition is making the feast on Wednesday so we can put it in the oven to heat on Thursday. Then we sit on the couch alllll day watching all three Lord of the Rings movies 🙂
Bad light placement! Ignore that crazy face 😉
Tell me, how do you give back throughout the year? Any favorite Thanksgiving traditions? Don’t forget to swing by the donation page for WhyHunger or to check out Kenwood Vineyards on Facebook.
Tagged with: Kenwood Vineyards • Review • Sponsored Post • Thanksgiving • Wine
This looks so fun! We have a vineyard near us and it is such a fun place to have events!
DUDE! True story: I LOVE Kenwood wines! LOVE! I first tried their wine about 6 years ago….it’s soooo good, and so reasonably priced. I believe I even drove past their vineyard once when I was in wine country in California. Anyhoo, I’m jelly of your shipment. Can we have all the wine and cheese?!!
This was my first time trying it and I need to look all over for it now. They gave me no indication of how much it cost, so I’m glad it’s reasonably priced –> that means more wine! I’ll stock up on wine, you swing by with a couple pounds of cheese.
Cookie dough egg rolls?! Wine is good and all, but cookies are all my pregnant brain can think about
I’ll try my best to get a recipe posted soon. They’re seriously SO tasty and all I’ve been able to think about since last weekend. At least (eggfree) cookie dough is something you can have while pregnant!